Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rainy Day Blogging

As you all know, football season has begun! We are a family full of football fans. Some of us are diehard Chargers fans, hoping that the Bolts don't build us up only to let us fall flat on our faces at the end of the season...yet again; some of us are Broncos fans, who are waiting for their team to get out of the Chargers shadow; some of us still stand behind USC despite the fact that their team has been plagued with scandal, talent is looking weaker than in past seasons, and there's no hope for post-season play for several years; some of us prefer to follow college football with no real team loyalty, just a love of college sports and the young, promising athletes who (hopefully) haven't yet fallen prey to the "thug life"; others, still, just like to have an excuse to sit on the couch doing nothing all weekend long.

If you participate in any sort of football pools or fantasy leagues, you know that these "friendly" competitions are quite time consuming. In fact, a Fox News article from 2006 claimed that fantasy football costs businesses $1.1 billion a year and that nearly 37 million people spend about 50 minutes a week managing their fantasy football teams! I don't want to sound like I'm bragging here, but since I'm currently 4-0 in the Kolbeck Fantasy League, and in the Top 5 of the Redfield Picks Pool, I'm pretty sure I know how to optimize my league management time.

Here are a few pointers for those of you who have been less fortunate so far this year:
1. Always go with your gut. Even if your pick seems totally ridiculous but that gut feeling is telling you it's a good one, do it. Men, beware, these gut feelings are based on intuition rather than rationality so the women will probably come out on top on this one every time. :)
2. Do your homework. For weekly picks, I like to surf the net, read the experts' opinions on upcoming games, understand who is hurt, etc. For fantasy football, be sure you know who is hurt and who has a bye. This will ensure you are, at the very least, making educated guesses.
3. If all else fails, make sure you're having a good time watching the games. Even if you're picks and players are failing miserably, you can still enjoy football season. Make a side bet with a friend (Broncos won't beat the Chargers this year!). Participate in "Jersey Sunday" where everyone wears their favorite jerseys. Invite others over for your favorite bean dip and beverages. Watch the games at your favorite local hangout which just happens to have the complete NFL Package.

Hope this helps!

For those of you...

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