Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Leading A Virtuous Life

This blog originally started so that I had a fun and simple way to share my life and my adventures with my family and friends…especially if they don’t have Facebook! But it has quickly grown to be a creative outlet for me since I really enjoy writing, as well as a way to reflect on and share various thoughts and topics without being too invasive. I’m sure there aren’t too many followers but simply being able to put my thoughts on paper, look back on how my life has evolved, and hoping maybe I touched a few lives in the process is good enough for me.

Lately I've found myself reflecting on what’s truly important in life and wondering how people define and find happiness in theirs. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling “deep” and “mooshy” today or maybe because I really want to know and to help myself and others achieve that healthy, happy, balanced lifestyle…but I'm excited to say that I've come up with something new to share with you all! A study of virtues!

My goal is to use my life and my surroundings to connect to and contemplate one virtue per week. It will be a challenge not only for me but a call to action for anyone else looking to embody goodness and happiness in their everyday life. Look out for more on Monday!

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