Friday, May 10, 2013

More Almond Meal Experiments

Because we always have bananas in the house, banana bread is often a convenient baking option. And since I still have almond meal in the cupboard, I found a new recipe which substitutes flour for almond meal.

Here's the link: How could I pass up a recipe from The Wannabe Chef?! That's practically what I call myself these days.

I was initially worried about the dough being too watery, because almond meal tends to make things more moist than flour. But after about an hour of baking, the bread looked great! Definitely not too watery...and much more moist than regular bread. Imagine that!

I added chocolate chips but the bread really doesn't need it. It is a very sweet, yet spiced recipe which turned out to be delicious! I think this is my best banana bread yet!!

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