Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Have You Tried Coconut Oil??

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had four days off, which was very much welcome, but now I feel like I need a whole week off to just rest and relax! I will post pictures next time.

Before I get into today's topic, I want to wish a happy happy 29th birthday to one my best friends in the world, Samantha!!! I've put together a collage of just a few of my favorite pictures.

Ok, building off of my last post where I gave my new favorite banana bread recipe, I wanted to share a revised version of the recipe and some reasons why I changed it. Instead of using regular vegetable oil, I replaced my last batch with coconut oil.

I've been hearing a lot about the benefits of coconut oil so I decided to see what it's all about. Wellness Mama gives us 101 Uses for Coconut Oil. This list includes taking supplementally for daily energy, to support healthy thyroid function, as an intense nighttime facial moisturizer, as a tanning oil...just to name a few. Most of this list is geared towards women.

Not only can you apply coconut oil to myriad body parts, but it's also great for cooking! I was a little nervous at first, especially because the consistency was much closer to a solid than I'd expected. But I read a bit about why coconut oil works and liked what I saw. Not to mention, my banana bread has a little tropical taste to it now! Long story short, coconut oil is a good fat, supports your immune system, is good for weight loss and organ function, and can be used for hair and skin care.

Read up on cooking with coconut oil here.

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