Monday, February 4, 2013

Movie Monday

It's official...I'm obsessed with our dog! I love taking pictures and video of her and sharing all of her funny moments. She is growing everyday and becoming more rambunctious and brave by the second. Just like she is learning new things, we are learning too...what routine makes most sense for us all, how to potty train, how to break Lexi of her nipping habit, etc. She is 12 weeks and weighs 10 pounds. It will still be a few more weeks before she is able to start puppy school as the vet advised that she should have all of her shots first.

For today, I thought I'd share a few funny videos I've taken on my iPhone over the last couple of weeks. I apologize if they are turned sideways when you view them. I could not figure out how to rotate them.

This is a short nap time video. Lexi likes to lay on her back and sometimes sticks her tongue out while she is sleeping:

The next two videos are from the day Lexi discovered her reflection in the sliding glass door. This was the first time I'd heard her bark outside of her crate and I couldn't stop laughing.

Lexi has a nice cozy bed set up in her crate, which she sleeps in at night and sometimes during the day. So far she has been GREAT with the crate idea. We call it her "spot". While she's not in the crate and when she's looking for something to get into, she will go pull her bed out of the crate. I love how she stops dead in her tracks when she sees me watching her:

Over the weekend, Lexi brought in her first outdoor "catch". She found an old (and very large) palm frond in the backyard and decided she needed to have it inside. She then proceeded to do laps around the house and through the backyard. This video is just a fraction of the craziness:

Lexi has gotten to hang out with Skylar a few times. Skylar is Pat and Linda's boxer who is seven or eight years old and very big and wise compared to little Lexi. We have heard that female boxers are very maternal in nature and so far that has turned out to be true. My favorite was when Skylar tried to show Lexi how to use the doggy door...of course, Lexi was more interested in sniffing around and finding trouble. They are still working out the kinks but are having fun with it. In this one, you see how Lexi tries to play with Skylar.

If you ever want a taste of Lexi live, you can always FaceTime us or, better yet, come visit!!

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