Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'm Lexi and I Know It

Most of you probably already know that we have a new addition to our family. Lexi is an 11 week old Boxer puppy who was born on November 10, 2012. We brought her home last Friday and already love her more than we could have imagined. And already she has been more of an adventure than we expected!

We found Lexi in the Pennysaver from a family whose dogs had a litter. She was one of two puppies left. We went to visit and didn't want to leave without her. On Friday night she was very timid and subdued. We thought it was just the stress of a new home away from her mom and siblings. On Saturday she seemed better but still not what you would expect of a playful young pup. We took her to the vet for a checkup and left with her second vaccination and a clean bill of health. Saturday night around 3am, Lexi started throwing up and was very sick all night, and sluggish and lethargic in the morning. John and I were both so worried about her and didn't know how to help. We took her to the animal hospital at our local Petsmart and had a great experience.

The vet was initially worried about Parvo or worms. Both can be detrimental to a puppy's health. After several tests and the extraction of a bee stinger from her paw, the diagnosis was that she just had a tummy ache and may be having a bit of reaction to the bee sting and her last vaccine. We could not have been more relieved!

We left with a few different medications and a special wet food diet that would be easier on Lexi's belly. Ever since she has been just fine. As John would say, "yep, we got a regular dog." Lexi is very smart and more and more mischievousness everyday. She stays home and "works" with me with a routine of eat, play, potty, sleep, repeat. It sounds easy but, believe me, she is a handful! When she's not sleeping I basically have to follow her around to make sure she doesn't chew anything of value or have an "accident" in the house. So far, she has been so good. Very few accidents and she is warming up to her crate already! Since she lost more than one pound when she was sick, the vet wanted to make sure she gains wait. She already looks bigger and is eating like a little piggy. She is about 9 pounds and growing everyday.

We are obsessed with her and have so many pictures. Here are a few of Lexi at 11 weeks.

Lexi's First Night at Home. With her Purple Monkey.

Sleepy Saturday Morning.

Getting acquainted with her new home.

First night in her crate

Posing with her monkey

Slowly warming up

Checking out her yard with her new toy from Isaiah and Krystal

Resting on 'Mommy's' lap

Working hard or hardly working?

Such  a sweet face

So little in such a big house

Frolicking in the backyard

Watching hockey with 'Daddy'

By the way, we named this blog post after Lexi's favorite saying..."I'm Lexi and I Know It" which is her own rendition of LMFAO's song Sexy and I Know It.

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