Saturday, September 11, 2010

Year in Review - June 2009

June was a busy month. Again, traveling to DC a bit, birthdays, and lots of sports.

1. John's sister, Amber, graduated from Cal State Fullerton in May so the Kolbeck's were hosting a graduation party. The Kolbecks are a HUGE 20+ first cousins alone...and this would be my first experience with them. I'm sure Mom remembers how I was freaking out about what to wear. Just like every time I freak out, it turned out perfectly fine and, since John's still around, I'm pretty sure I made a good impression. Unfortunately, there aren't any good pics of the final outfit. :(

John's toast to his Sister.

2. That same weekend we went down to San Clemente to hang out at Chris' family's beach house. It was a great day to hang out at the beach. This was also my first experience with Pedro's Tacos!! It was delicious and I remember how excited Dad was that someone else had the same appreciation for that tiny little taco stand.

View from the Beach.

Sunset from the Beach House.

3. Since John's family has season tickets for the Angels, we have been lucky enough to go to a TON of games with great seats. The first time I got to go was when the Padres played the Angels...which John had been planning since we met and he'd found out I was a Padres fan.

Here are some pictures from another game later on in the month.

4. The Saturday before Father's Day, John's friend Jeff had a birthday party with a "Jersey" theme where everyone had to wear a sports jersey. It was a fun time with a great turnout.

5. I drove home on Sunday to spend Father's Day with the fam. We had dinner at Aunt Julie, Uncle Dave, and Ben's house. From what I can recall, Mama B and Daddy Doodle Dog dominated in lawn golf. Here are some pictures of us goofing around. Look how young Camille looks!!

6. The month of June was seen out with LMU Alumni Night @ Dodger Stadium. Since my friend Danny works for LMU, he usually tries to get all of us out to the events. This one included a reception and BBQ prior to the game (Mariners @ Dodgers). We had nosebleed seats so it was really about enjoying each other's company. Rob, Tara's fiancee isn't a huge sports guy but really enjoyed the Dodger dogs...

June was the perfect start to a great summer. From here on out, it's been one crazy, fun, happy event after another!!

My First USC Game!!

Today I'm headed to my first USC game. My friend Margo recently became engaged to a guy who attended USC so they try to go to most of the games. They are having a tailgate/engagement celebration so lots of us are headed out to the Coliseum to celebrate! I know Uncle Brian would be so proud. Fight on?!

On a separate note,today is also the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy at the Twin Towers. I love Alan Jackson's song about that day. Read the lyrics below. That day will always be in our hearts and on our minds. I won't ever forget where I was and what I was doing that day. Will you??

"Where Were You"
by Alan Jackson

Where were you when the world stopped turning, that September day?
Out in the yard with your wife and children, working on some stage in LA.
Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke rising against that blue sky?
Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor?
Or did you just sit there and cry?

Did you weep for the children who lost their dear loved ones,
And pray for the ones who don't know?
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble,
And sob for the ones left below?

Did you burst out in pride for the red, white and blue,
The heroes who dies just doin what they do?
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer,
And look at yourself and what really matters?

I'm just a singer of simple songs,
I'm not a real political man.
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you,
The difference in Iraq and Iran.
But I know Jesus and I talk to God,
And I remember this from when I was young,
Faith, hope and love are the good things He gave us.
And the greatest is love...

Year in Review - April/May 2009

It's been over a year since I last posted something. Most of you are kept pretty up to date on my life but I still have lots of stories and pictures that I like to share! I'm going to attempt a "Year in Review" starting from April 2009, around the time we took our trip to Louisiana (see previous post). This might come in the form of multiple posts since I don't have time to do the entire year this morning.
And, to be even more ambitious, I'm going to try to make blogging a new Saturday morning routine.

APRIL 2009
This was the last month I lived in Redondo Beach. Shortly after our trip to Louisiana, I moved home for six months or so to save money while I was still working from home. Prior to our trip to Louisiana, I met John during a night out with my friends. His best friend, Chris, played baseball at LMU so we have lots of mutual friends but hadn't met until now. Here's a picture of that first night:

Me being me, I didn't realize he was trying to flirt and talk to me until he called the following week to ask me out on a date. Our first date was also my last night in LA so John and I went to dinner and then met up with some of my friends for a "Farewell".

From there, it's pretty much history.
At the end of the month I went out to Palm Springs for the Stagecoach Music Festival. It was two days full of my favorite country music singers. A group of close to 20 of us rented a huge, beautiful house in the area, laid by the pool in the morning and walked to the Indio Polo Club for the concerts in the afternoon. I didn't go this year (2010) but it's definitely on my to-do list for 2011. I can't seem to find my pictures right now so you'll have to take my word that it was awesome!!

MAY 2009
During May I was traveling from LA to DC for work, but the weekends were full of birthdays and holidays. Margo had an 80's pub crawl through Manhattan and Hermosa Beaches which was a blast. We were quite the spectacle...

The following weekend, the Chicago Cubs were in San Diego to play the Padres. Obviously, I am a Padres fan at heart, and John is a Cubs fan so we got tickets and went to the Friday night game. It was John's first time at Petco Park and I hadn't been in a while so it was a lot of fun to explore the area. Did you know there's a meal deal where you get a hot dog, peanuts, cookie and a soda for $10?!? What a quick and easy dinner!

Tiffany and her boyfriend, Scottie were in LA on this weekend (which happened to be Memorial Day) so we made it back to Hermosa Beach to hang out with the gang. In case you didn't know, Tiff moved back to Santa Rosa to be with her family and rekindled the flame with her high school boyfriend, who she is now engaged to!