Saturday, July 4, 2015

36 Days to Go!

Happy 4th Friends and Family! I hope you all have a fun and safe holiday. While I sit here with my feet up, resting before this evening's BBQ, I thought I'd give an update on where we at with Baby K.

We are just about ONE MONTH away from Katelyn's due date! I will be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have started going to the doctor every two weeks, which will increase to every week very soon.

Here are some more progress pics and notes. I started to get lazy with the weekly pictures after a while but will try to recap as best I can. Enjoy!

April 5, 2015: 22 Weeks
Easter Sunday! Looking back, I highly doubt the baby was as big as this spaghetti squash but that's the veggie I think of when I hear spaghetti squash. Oh well.  

This is about the time I started wearing maternity clothes. Honestly, they are SO comfortable, I'm not sure why I waited so long!! My friend Tara was kind enough to loan me her maternity wardrobe so I have lots of comfy dresses and shirts. I invested in a pair of maternity jeans and some shirts from Old Navy. Every once in a while I'll buy a dress from Target but what I've found is that more often than not, maternity clothes have horizontal stripes and/or bows! What is up with that?! Aren't you supposed to steer clear of stripes even when you aren't pregnant??? My go-to outfit has been a maxi skirt with a long, soft tank top.

April 19, 2015: 24 Weeks
Quick trip to Vista on this weekend!

April 24. 2015: Grandma Joyce's 80th Birthday Celebration
The entire Kolbeck clan got dressed up Great Gatsby style to celebrate Grandma Joyce on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. It was a great night!

Granny with her Grandchildren

Granny with her kids

April 26, 2015: 25 Weeks
I can't locate any great pictures from the last two weeks. :( But here's a doozy for you...

I was supposed to fly to San Francisco on this day but hurt my knee the day before picking up the dog toys, of all things. I was on crutches for several days and it took many weeks for my knee to feel just right. After two trips to the doctor, there wasn't much they could say since an X-ray would not have showed anything and they can't do an MRI on a pregnant woman. Now my knee is pretty close to normal, although I have been having some strange toe pain in my right foot. Oddly enough, my right side is the one that swells more these days (week 35), despite the fact that the "hardware" is in my left ankle. Go figure.

My caretakers

May 3, 2015: 26 Weeks
Here are a few random pictures, but again, none with the chalkboard. Ooops!
From the Cute Fruit App

Headed out to lunch with Krystaaal and the girls

This is about the time I had accumulated enough baby clothes to do my first load of laundry! Apparently you are supposed to wash everything with a special baby detergent before their first wear. Better to be safe than sorry, I suppose, and it gave me an excuse to start organizing the closet in the nursery! Shopping for baby clothes has been my weakness. EVERY time I go to Target, I just happen to find myself in the baby section. The best part is, there are always tons of things on sale so how can you not pick up an outfit for $7 or a cute onesie for $4?!?

May 10, 2015: 27 Weeks
Mother's Day!! We got to see all of our family and celebrate our wonderful mothers...AND everyone made me feel so special even though Baby Katelyn hasn't even arrived yet!

This week was a fun one. We started to get the nursery set up with a crib and dresser, we received the first gift off our registry, my feet were barely visible and I had to take my glucose test which checks for gestational diabetes. Everything came back normal!

May 17, 2015: 28 Weeks
So everyone's definition of the third trimester seems to be a bit different but this is where I considered mine to begin. What an exciting milestone! And, again, no chalkboard picture. Sheesh. 

Bathroom Selfie!

John resting during a break at our childbirth prep class

Getting some practice in with Baby Emma - Born April 9
Celebrating Grandma Kolbeck with the Shull Elementary team

May 24, 2015: 29 Weeks
Memorial Day Weekend! The bump is getting big! This was pretty much our last free weekend until July or August so we decided on an impromptu babymoon in Huntington Beach. It was great to get away and spend some quality time together.


Dressed up for dinner

May 31, 2015: 30 Weeks
Auntie Amber's Bachelorette Party in San Diego!!

June 7, 2015: 31 Weeks
Hard to believe I'm carrying something the size of a pineapple! John likes to say it looks like I'm smuggling a basketball. Hahaha!! 

Auntie Camille graduated on June 4th so Auntie Kylie was in town and the whole Bassett gang was together. We also took a baby basics class which covered things to know once baby arrives (bathing, feeding, swaddling, etc.). John was the super swaddler extraordinaire! At this point I stopped being able to see my feet and started feeling a serious urge to nest and stock up on random things (deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc).

June 14, 2015: 32 Weeks
Baby Shower Day!! What a beautiful celebration of Katelyn. I always love getting my favorite people together in one place. Looking back one month later, I'm glad we did the shower a bit earlier because now I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable...every little thing seems difficult. And it's just SO hot!

June 21, 2015: 33 Weeks
Celebrated Father's Day! And took maternity pics with Meghan Wiesman Photography. I cannot wait to see the rest!

June 28, 2015: 34 Weeks
Uncle Joe and Auntie Amber got married on June 27th! It was a beautiful weekend in Laguna Beach. Katelyn Rose was the honorary flower girl and John and I got to walk down the aisle together. What a special moment!
Rehearsal Dinner

Wedding Day!

It was after this weekend that I started to feel very swollen all the time. There is a clear change in how my body looks and feels when I'm on my feet too much or haven't drank enough water. I now understand why people say they are "just ready for baby" towards the end and I'm sure I'll feel like that very soon!

On June 30, we had our third trimester ultrasound, where Katelyn was estimated to be 5lbs 8oz. This means that she could gain up to 3 pounds from now until her due date! Whoa! Crazy to think since I was 5lbs 14oz AT BIRTH. This is just an estimate and I've heard they can be off by as much as a pound either way so I guess at this point, it's a crapshoot. We do know that she is head down, which is a good sign!

Weeks 35 and after coming soon!!! As Grandpa Chuck said, it is so weird to think that there are fewer days left than there were weeks we when we started this whole process. We are so excited! When do you think Baby Katelyn will make her arrival???

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