Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Join My FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Are you looking for a way to kick-start a more healthy and active lifestyle?? If so, join me in a FREE 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge!!

This is similar to the challenge that opened my eyes to the physical and mental benefits of healthy living several months ago! I have made the decision to stay focused on my personal health, fitness and well-being and I love it! At the same time, I want to share everything that I'm learning on this journey with YOU.

In this Facebook group, you'll get a grocery shopping list, complete meal plan and lots of tips completely FREE! Oh and endless support and motivation from others like myself working to eat clean just like you! Challenge begins on June 23rd. Comment below or send me a private message if you want in!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fruit & Veggie Friday - Kale!

Let's just call this #FruitandVeggieFriday. I've been trying to incorporate kale into my diet as much as possible but just a few months ago, I had no idea what it was! 

Kale has soooo many benefits and can be prepared in a ton of different ways. I put it in my NutriBullet for a green drink, bake it to make "chips", add it to my eggs, and add it to my salads. Any other suggestions on how to cook with kale??

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A New Adventure

No posts in May?! Apparently I've been busy! So today I thought I'd fill you in on a recent development in my life and let you know how you can get involved in a super duper way!! 

Since my ankle surgery in September, I have gotten increasingly out of shape. And for someone who has been a competitive athlete her entire life, that has been a hard pill to swallow. I'm not as young as I used to be. My body works a bit differently (and more slowly) than it used to. I don't have mandatory practices and conditioning sessions to attend anymore. Accountability and motivation have been a challenge. Sound familiar to anyone?!?

Given that summer is right around the corner and we will be vacationing in Europe, I decided I needed a little jump-start into a new and improved version of myself. Over the last month I have lost 6 pounds with just a few simple diet and exercise tweaks and the help of a really great support and accountability system found through a network of other people like myself trying to get into shape! Because I've enjoyed my experience so much, I have decided to join as a health and fitness coach which essentially means I can bring others along on my health and wellness journey to help them accomplish their goals at the same time as I pursue mine. Sounds cool, right?! 

Now it’s time for me to take my workout routine the next level…I’ll be starting the INSANITY workout program this week!

Ok - here's where you come in. Positive support and accountability is so important to achieving any kind of goal...especially when it comes to fitness. I am looking for people who want to join me in this insane journey! I'm not gonna lie...the title Insanity is a little intimidating to me. BUT if I have others doing it with me, it can't be that bad, right?? What do you think?? Are you ready to take the challenge??

Now there are other ways you can get involved. If Insanity sounds like too much, there are TONS of workout programs out there. Literally something for everyone! And I am here to help YOU! If you like the idea of a home based workout program, there is a seriously ridiculous summer sale going on RIGHT NOW

I’m talking 30, 40, 50% off workout programs such as P90X, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, Slim in Six… Summer is coming! Start getting ready now!! This sale is through Monday and only while supplies last. Please let me know if you are interested in learning more about any of these workouts!!