Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's Wedding Week!!

Hope you all had a great weekend. We are wrapping up Sunday Night Football and preparing for wedding week! I have the entire week off and could not be more excited about it. Up until now, I've had lots of work AND lots of wedding stuff to worry about...both seemed like a full time job. Now I can just sit back, relax and get the last minute things done.

Today I worked on getting the end to end wedding day schedule down. Now I just need to make different for bridesmaids, one for groomsmen, one for the ceremony, one for the reception, etc.

Tomorrow I have my last hair appointment, our final meeting with the pastor, a walk-through at the church and a dance lesson. Yes, I said dance lesson! It's actually really fun and helps us look a little more official. :)

The rest of the week I'll be working on different odds and ends. Tuesday we have a couples massage scheduled. Wednesday I have a walk-through with our photographer. Thursday is nails and tanning. And Kylie comes to town!!!

Friday is when the festivities officially begin. We are having a breakfast with our parents and siblings on Friday morning. I like to call this the calm before the storm. Then last minute errands on Friday and the rehearsal. Hopefully there is no rain!!

Saturday is the day!!! We are so excited! Can't wait to see everyone soon!

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