Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bling Bling...I Got the Ring!!

In case you didn't know, John and I got engaged on the evening of Monday, August 15th! It was an amazing night and we couldn't be happier! I'm going to try to quickly but thoroughly recount the story for you...hopefully John will post his thoughts later.

We attended my friend Margo's wedding on Sunday night and I had planned to take the following Monday off of work just because I could. John and I had planned to head to the beach in the early afternoon to lay in the sun and relax...or so I thought that was the plan. John had been acting quite strange in the days leading up to this but I didn't think much of it. On Monday morning, however, he kicked it up a notch. He was unusually interested in what I'd be doing on my day off and even suggested I get my nails done "so they look nice". His sister, Amber and I had just gotten our nails done the previous Thursday! This was my first clue...

I went about my day, not doing much at all but really enjoying it. Soon enough my roommate, CJ said something like, "So I heard you're going to dinner tonight!" Since I still thought we'd be laying on the beach I wasn't sure what she was referring to and didn't have much of a response. Later in the day she even asked what I'd be wearing to dinner. Clue #2...

Around 3pm I still hadn't heard from John (who was working) and I thought for sure we would have been at the beach by then. Our texts went something like this:
ME: You're really working a full day huh
JOHN: Yea. I'll call you soon. I had a feeling this would happen.
This was yet another clue that something was up because John has some flexibility with his job and doesn't often 'feel' like he'll be working late. Even if he does, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say something like that.

John finally called around 4pm and suggested that we go to dinner instead. He even said things like, "we can take a nice walk on the beach" and " we will have a great night". Things that I guess I had assumed but for some reason he felt the need to spell it out for me. He showed up at my house in nice jeans, closed toed black shoes and a long sleeve collared shirt. It was 90 degrees in San Dimas so I was in shorts (they were nice shorts!) and wedges. When I saw him all dressed up I was caught off guard. He asked me to put on his favorite blue dress and heels. At that point, I think it was safe to assume that he was up to something. But still I told myself that maybe he was just trying to look good!

When we got to the car, he opened the door for me and a single long stem red rose was waiting on the seat. I knew then that this was not your typical dinner date.

On the drive down to Hermosa John was unusually quiet. FINALLY we made it to the beach and started the evening at Patrick Molloys, which is the restaurant we originally met at. John sat on the same side of the booth as me and I thought this was funny since he's always laughing at other people doing this. Looking back, I think maybe he just didn't want to have to make too much small talk!

We had a drink and watched the preseason NFL game before he asked if I was hungry. He had me list some restaurants in the area and 'slyly' asked if Mama D's was nearby. Since Mama D's is the little Italian restaurant where he took me on our first date, he knew full well that it was right behind Patrick Molloys. Clearly he had it all planned out. We walked over to Mama D's for dinner and enjoyed looking back on our first date.
Our Dinner
John scarfed down his dinner and when the waitress asked if we wanted a box, I said yes, and John quickly said no, we would not need one. He paid the bill and we were on to the next stop.

After Dinner - Still No Ring

It was a nice day out but John wanted to go back to the car for his jacket...which was a very nice peacoat (remember, we were at the beach). He proceeded to awkwardly carry it around like a baby. We rushed down to the water...instead of enjoying a nice romantic walk John was looking all around the beach, at his watch, and at his phone. He asked if the lifeguard towers were numbered according to the streets of Hermosa. I didn't know and didn't care. Not to mention, there was one lifeguard tower in our vicinity so why did it matter?? We got down to the water and all of a sudden he wanted to turn back the other way and back towards the lifeguard tower. My response was, "But the water's right here." John said he just didn't want to walk there. We started walking towards whatever area he wanted to walk and came across a glass bottle half buried in the sand. I told him that it looked like a message in a bottle but thought this was strange since you only see such things in the movies...

At first I thought John was going to let me walk right by it, then he said, maybe you should open it. I pulled it out of the sand and of course there was a note inside.

The bottle read: Love is the beginning of forever.

I opened the note and began to read. As I did that, John got down on one knee and pulled out a ring!!! I didn't know where to concentrate my attention and was crying. His note read:
To Britt My Baby,
I can still remember the first night I met you,
And how you were like no other person I've ever met.
I have always wanted you in my life from the time I met you.
You were my girlfriend a few weeks later
And have turned into my best friend.
As our relationship has grown,
You have been the greatest thing to happen to me.
I love you with all my hearts,
And I can't think of a place I would rather be,
Than back at the beach where OUR love story began.
Will you marry me?

He, of course, asked me if I'd marry him, and I said yes!!!!! I could not believe it was happening! Here are a few pictures of the ring!!

A Reenactment of the Moment

He Did Good!

This is John's Favorite Part
 John's wonderful friend Isaiah and his wife Krystal were in charge of placing the bottle and video taping the entire thing. It was great to have them there to congratulate us. Once I got over the initial shock, John let me know that he had one last place to take me. We got in the car and I was texting and checking my phone like a crazy woman! I had texted the news to my parents and John's parents (among many others) and never heard back! I couldn't believe that they'd all be so disinterested in the fact that we'd just gotten engaged!!

30 minutes or so later we arrived at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. We took a few pictures outside and made sure to get the ring in them!

At this point I still wasn't sure why I hadn't heard back from my parents. We made our way inside to the Bona Vista Lounge which is a revolving cocktail lounge with an amazing view of Downtown LA.

It all made sense once we got inside...Mom, Dad, and Camille were waiting for us along with John's parents, Pat and Linda, his sister Amber, brother Kevin, Kevin's girlfriend Sydney, and Isaiah and Krystal. It was the perfect way to celebrate the evening!! All we were missing was Kylie Bug...who was there in spirit and via iPhone!

The Gang

We're Engaged!!

Amber, Kevin and John

Camille and I

Mom & Dad!!

The Parents!!
All in all it was an amazing night and I already have so many more stories of what has happened this week. It has been a whirlwind of a week and I cannot wait for the weekend. More stories to come and hopefully some thoughts from John!! Love you all!!


1 comment:

  1. What an exciting and memorable time. I loved reading the story and hearing how it all happened again. Enjoy every moment of this special time, BB! Sooooo happy for you guys :) All my love to you both!
